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Energy and Environment Directorate

Carla Raymond

Carla Raymond

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
PO Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
(509) 375-3615


Carla Raymond has more than 24 years of experience in providing business, financial and project management support to team leaders and staff within Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Energy Efficiency Division. She supports an extensive portfolio of projects with clients including the U.S. Department of Energy, Bonneville Power Administration, other federal agencies, and private industry.

Ms. Raymond monitors project schedules and budgets, prepares status reports and budget forecasts, notifies project managers of potential schedule and budget problems, determines solutions to those problems, and plans schedules and budgets.

Ms. Raymond interacts with Contracts staff to ensure deliverables are on time and within budget. She also coordinates the proposal process, from the request for proposal through the completion of the proposal package with the Project Manager and Contracts Specialists.

Research Interests

  • Electricity infrastructure, information technology, and visualization

Energy and Environment

Core Research Areas
